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Every Day is Halloween, Virtual Reality


Every Day is Halloween, Virtual Reality

This is the second project for the CS491 Virtual and Augmented Reality class at UIC. It was about creating a Virtual Reality scary funhouse related to halloween. This project was made by me and Stefano Sonzogni. Our VR funhouse consists in four 3x3 meters rooms in which the user is allowed to walk and interact with virtual objects in the scene, however the extent of the scene goes beyond this space, and the user can see the scene from outside the room for instance by looking outside the windows, but he's not allowed to interact with any of the external objects. Every room has its own main theme but there is also an overall theme present which is that of an explorer that find himself in this scary environments and therefore will try to find a way to escape from them in a rush, the only way he can do that is by interact with the right objects in the scene, and he has no other way of getting rid of his greatest fears like zombies, skeletons, giant spiders, if not escape and hope to find a better environment outside.

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General details of the project


The user always has in his left hand a torch instead of the controller, using the controller he can switch the light on and off and he should be able to hear a sound emitted by the torch when he clicks and releases the grip button of the controller, the sound is taken and trimmed from:
Torch click
The torch model is taken from

Ambient sound

In addition to having an ambient sound for each room, we also have a music that plays during the whole game, this is taken from a halloween CD called:

Hints menu

In order to help the user find his way into the game, textual hints are displayed on top of the torch which is onto the left controller. The message remains there for a few seconds, if the user wants to replay the last hint that was displayed he just needs to press the grip button of the right controller and keep it pressed, the message will disappear once he releases the grip.

Performance and required hardware

The project was developed in such a way that only the needed objects and animations are displayed, and throughout the user gameplay the previous rooms are unloaded to improve performances, the game was developed and tested with the simulator on a Macbook Pro with 8th generation 6-cores i7, 16 GB or RAM, and Radeon Pro 560X 4096 MB Graphic card and tested on the class computer with the HTC Vive and it runs smoothly in both machines with pretty high framerate.

Room I


The first room is in the middle of a magical graveyard, one of the sides of the room is completely made of glass and lets the user see the zombies outside walking towards him, and he can also see a dark green and natural environment surrounding him by looking outside the windows. Inside he can find many grabbable objects that emit a sound when grabbed, the mechanism to get out of the room is to activate the elevator by putting the key onto the rotating hologram of the key rotating on top of the elevator, when the elevator is activated, you should see a light blue fire emitted by it, if you step on top of it and stay there the elevator will bring you in the next room, the key is in a static glass container attached to the ceiling, the user can throw an object onto the lever which is present on the windowsill, this will free the key from its magical container and when the user hears the sound of a falling key onto a wood platform it's because the key has actually fallen onto the wooden table from the ceiling.

Room I Scene

Some screenshots of the room scene

Screenshot I

Room I view


Screenshot II

Room I view


Screenshot III

Room I view



This is a list of the models I took from the web and imported into our application without modifying them at all, you can click on the model image to go to the source website and download the model.


This is a list of the models we created from scratch mostly using Blender. Many other simple objects in the scene like the room itself, the windows, the table are created by me directly in Unity.


In the room many objects have a sound played when the object is used or in other occasions, here are the source links of the sounds:
Bongo 2
Zombie 2
Key falling

Objects with physics

In the room many objects are equipped with proper physics and can be grabbed by the user, those objects are:

Ambient sound of Room

This room has this ambient sound: Sokobanned ambient sound

Moreover, the following animations are present in the scene:

Pulling lever down
Zombie walking and attacking
Crawler crawling and attacking
Active elevator blue fire particle
Elevator going up

Room II


The second room is made by two main environments: a semi-open space dungeon and a close spider burrow, when transiting from room 1 to room 2, the elevator will leave you in the dungeon, at this point room 1 should have disappeared, from here you'll have to find a way to get to the spider burrow in order to then reach room 3, the sign inflammable on the wooden surface where some inflammable liquid is dripping from the sink is a hint for the user which should find some source of fire in this dungeon and fire up the wood and create a wall of flame, at this point magical stairs will appear rotating and scaling bringing the user into the spider burrow that will appear on top of the dungeon, once in the actual room a glass floor will appear and the stairs will disappear so you'll be stuck into the room with no way to get back, after a few seconds the room will start rotating and the glass pavement will become the ceiling, from where you can see a way out which is room 3, in order to reach room 3 you will have to climb the bricks that are hidden in the spider webs, try to grab them and remove them from the way but beware of the big spiders which are there to watch you ruining their work!

Room II Scene

Some screenshots of the room scene

Screenshot I

Room II view


Screenshot II

Room II view


Screenshot III

Room II view


Screenshot IV

Room II view


Screenshot V

Room II view


Screenshot VI

Room II view



This is a list of the models I took from the web and imported into our application without modifying them at all, you can click on the model image to go to the source website and download the model.


This is a list of the models we created from scratch mostly using Blender. Many other simple objects in the scene like the room itself, the windows are created by me directly in Unity.


In the room many objects have a sound played when the object is used or in other occasions, here are the source links of the sounds:
Spider 1
Fire crackling
Fire explosion
Scary laugh
Scythe Swish

Objects with physics

In the room many objects are equipped with proper physics and can be grabbed by the user, those objects are:

Ambient sound of Room

This room has this ambient sound: Sewer soundscape

Moreover, the following animations are present in the scene:

Firewall particle system
Stairs moving and rotating
Room rotation
Bat flying
Door opening
Web on window moving
Spider in holes moving
Spider on window moving
Spider on the floor moving
Smoke particle system
Dripping Sink

Room III


The third room is a catacomb. It's a room full of skeletons, relics and treasures. Many of the bones and skulls can be grabbed. The table-like section of the room has a movable rock that hides a tunnel to go to the next room. This wall will not move unless you look for all the four gems in the room and place them into the vase. There is a scroll near the vase that hints at such riddle. The purple gem is in plain sight, near the chalice. The green one is still on the table, but it's places right behind the skull. Said skull will emit an evil moan when grabbed. The white gem is under the stone throne and the yellow gem will appear on the skeleton arm that goes through the wall. The gem appears if you hit the skull right beside the arm. Each time you grab a gem and when you put it in the vase, it will play an appropriate sound effect. A sound is also played when the rock blocking the tunnel moves and when the yellow gem appears.

Room III Scene

Some screenshots of the room scene

Screenshot I

Room III view


Screenshot II

Room III view


Screenshot III

Room III view


Screenshot IV

Room III view



This is a list of the models I took from the web and imported into our application. A couple of them have been slightly modified to meet the room purposes. You can click on the model image to go to the source website and download the model.


This is a list of the models we created from scratch mostly using Blender. Some simple objects in the scene like the room itself the tunnel have been created by Stefano in sketchup.


In the room many objects have a sound played when the object is used or in other occasions, here are the source links of the sounds:
Moving rock
Skull moan
Gem in vase
Gem appears
Gem grabbed

Objects with physics

In the room many objects are equipped with proper physics and can be grabbed by the user, those objects are:

Ambient sound of Room

This room has this ambient sound: Cracking Crunching

Moreover, the following animations are present in the scene:

Moving rock
Spider on the roof
Skeleton on the wall

Room IV

Haunted house

The fourth and last room is a haunted house. The house is full of magic objects and evil creatures, like a demon trapped into a jar. The crawler monster that awaits you as soon as you go out of the tunnel is an illusion created by the witch that inhabits the house. If you press the "use" button on the monster it will disappear, breaking the illusion. In the room you can also find an ampoule with a living eye and a couple of pumpkins and candles. On the wall there is a frame containing a possessed picture of an old woman. The goal of the room is to find a potion that, if thrown against the werewolf outside the house, allows to make it go away and let you finally conquer freedom. A treasure will appear above the tunnel-table and you'll be able to grab it and be teleported to the final room. That room represents the end of your journey and you are acclaimed with many stars emerging from the ground.

Room IV Scene

Some screenshots of the room scene

Screenshot I

Room IV view


Screenshot II

Room IV view


Screenshot III

Room IV view


Screenshot IV

Room IV view


Screenshot V

Room IV view


Screenshot VI

Room IV view



This is a list of the models I took from the web and imported into our application. A couple of them have been slightly modified to meet the room purposes. You can click on the model image to go to the source website and download the model.


This is a list of the models we created from scratch mostly using Blender. Some simple objects in the scene like the room itself and the tunnel have been created by Stefano in sketchup.


In the room many objects have a sound played when the object is used or in other occasions, here are the source links of the sounds:
Crawler monster growl
Monster disappearence
Sound of the cage swinging
Werewolf disappearence
Demon in jar reaction

Objects with physics

In the room many objects are equipped with proper physics and can be grabbed by the user, those objects are:

Textures and videos

The following list contains links to the textures and videos used:
Gif in the frame
Tunnel side texture
Tunnel top texture
Room walls textures
Outside grass texture

Ambient sound of Room

This room has this ambient sound: Evil witch laugh

Moreover, the following animations are present in the scene:

Swinging cage
Aggressive crawler monster
Monster in the jar

During the development

Some screenshots during the development and the final picture.

Screenshot I

Modeling the chandelier


Screenshot II

Modeling the candle


Screenshot III

Modeling the key


Screenshot IV

Modeling the bat


Screenshot V

Modeling the scythe


Screenshot VI

Modeling the spider


Screenshot VII

Modeling the torch


Screenshot VIII

Modeling the key container


Augmented breakfast in the future

This is a discussion on how an augmented breakfast could be of use in the future 23rd September 2018

It is likely that Augmented Reality will become pervasive in the near future and start appearing in every context. It will certainly be with us on the dining table, and we’ll wake up with an augmented reality breakfast every morning. This could be a very interesting situation because they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s very crucial to eat properly in order to start off our day in an optimal way. What if we could have a little help? An augmentation that would show us what is better to eat every day, what to mix together to reach the perfect amount of carbohydrates and vitamins to be ready to face the day with enough energy.

One of the big problems that leads to a hasty and unhealthy breakfast is time, no one in the morning has time to think what to eat, to look at nutrition facts and try to calculate the calories based on the amount of product consumed, the only solution would be to use a memoization technique, pre-compute and store the exact amount of each product to consume each morning. But what if for some reason you wake up and you want to change your ordinary breakfast or integrate it with something else? This would complicate things.

What could be helpful for this problem is an augmented reality system, embedded in our glasses or contact lenses which is able to locate and recognize any type of food and display to us in real time how much of that to eat, suggest us what to eat it with and how to mix it to prepare an impeccable quality dish. As soon as any product is put on our placemat information such as nutrition facts appear in front of us and we cannot ignore it as much as we would like to, this could really help us start eating healthier.

Another interesting feature could be the possibility to keep track of what the user is eating throughout the day, showing total calories and set small milestones to reach during each day, suggesting each time what to eat next to be able to reach the needed nutrients. The application could also be integrated to other types of applications and for instance monitor the user’s vital signs and modify its behavior based on that, or it could create a shopping list suggestion for the user as soon as he opens the fridge and anything the user is used eat is noticed to be missing by the system.

All this could be achieved by being able to recognize and track every type of food. This seems like an impossible task nowadays, but in the future this could be possible, the integration of a quick look-up functionality on the recognized food using deep learning could help retrieve in real time the information needed, and the act of eating itself is recognizable by where the object is going and where it disappears.

A thing that could potentially ruin everything about this application are the companies that sell food, if they’ll be given the possibility to buy augmenting ads and appear in front of the user as soon as something like a competitor’s product triggers them, and start screaming something to try and make the user switch for their product instead. This could become a nightmare for the users and they would try in every possible way to get rid of this application, losing all the benefits it could bring them. But let’s be positive and hope that this doesn’t happen, because honestly, I cannot wait to see this type of technology with us every day.


Video presentation

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